Experimental Mode

I have been in full experiment mode lately. What this means is I have been trying a ton of new things, filling sketchbooks with “let me see what this does” adventures, and scribbling without an end game. It sounds fun, but this isn’t always welcomed by my conscious thoughts. Mostly because when I’m experimenting my work is all over the place, and I start asking myself a ton of questions like…

What kind of artist am I?

Is this the kind of artist I want to be?

Would this even hang in a gallery?

Is my style shifting?

Do I even have a style?

Can I call myself a professional? Or am I just a hobbyist splashing around? A hobbyist who needs to get a real job..

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Join Me for Wordless Wednesday!

Those of you who follow me on social media will have started seeing the #wordlesswednesday hashtag floating around my posts, but I know a lot of you are still curious as to what Wordless Wednesday is, and how you can participate. So light a candle, get your cozy socks on, and let’s chat meditative art.

What is Wordless Wednesday?

Wordless Wednesday is my way of helping to spread the word about intuitive art and getting others involved. I decided to start it up a few weeks ago and we’ve had two so far!

In a nutshell, #wordlesswednesday is a weekly event that takes place all day Wednesday on both Twitter and Facebook, during which you are challenged to create your own intuitive art piece.

How do I participate?

Simple! Every Wednesday I want you to find the coziest, comfiest place where you can do art, have all of your chosen tools/mediums at hand, and just start scribbling. Draw from the heart, not from the brain. Let your hand move itself. Move fast, or slow, depending on which allows you to focus more on your five senses and less on the conscious thoughts. Just like meditation, you will acknowledge any conscious thought that pops up, but then go right to your senses. What do you feel? Are you listening to music? What does your pen sound like on the paper?

Once you have your piece finished, you can date it, and then you’ve just created your own Wordless Diary entry. Take a look at it and see if you can find out what feelings, recent experiences, or worldly events might have helped create this piece. What do you think certain patterns mean? How does the piece make you feel?

If you need some more help on how intuitive/process/automatic art works, here are a few articles I wrote to help you get started:

What Exactly IS Intuitive Art?

The Wordless Diary: How to Get Started

Asemic Writing is a Thing. And I’m Kind of Obsessed.

Do I have to share what I’ve created?

No way! In fact, some people improvise better when they decide nobody else will ever see it. Remember, you’re just playing. If you finish your piece and you’re super proud of it and want to share? Go for it! If you finish your piece and would rather throw it in the fireplace than let it exist another day? Awesome!

I will say, however, that I love hearing about your intuitive art experiences, so, even if you don’t want to share your piece, feel free to talk about your artistic meditation session that day, how you set up, what tools you used, what you may have learned from it, et cetera. Don’t forget the hashtag!

I hope you will join me this week for #wordlesswednesday! Even if you’re not an artist, scribbling for fifteen minutes can still be a way to practice mindfulness and re-ground yourself.

And those of you who are in my Gold tier on Patreon will be able to attend this month’s live intuitive session taking place on the third #wordlesswednesday of the month. Not a Gold tier patron yet? Join before March 16th to get your ticket to the livestream so we can all scribble together!

Until next time, may your mind be full and your heart be at center.