Join Me Next Month for Intuitober

Inktober has always been a fun time for us artists. I’ve loved picking and choosing my own prompts from Jake Parker’s list and combining them with prompts from other artist lists. But there isn’t one designed for intuitive art–at least not one that I’ve seen. So last year I started Intuitober.

What is Intuitober?

Intuitober is just like Inktober, only instead of prompts to inspire illustrations, these prompts are designed to be more sensory, emotion-based, and/or vague enough to have multiple interpretations. This makes it easier to work intuitively/subconsciously. Last year the prompt list for Intuitober was short, with only six scribble-evoking words to use throughout the month. But this year I’ve made prompts for the entire month of October. Not only that, but I’ve gone beyond the sensory-provoking words and have also added songs and poems to inspire your daily scribble.

And, of course, because it is the spooky season, each prompt has a element of eerie.

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The Eccentric Chai Podcast is Going Bi-Weekly

When I first started the Eccentric Chai podcast I didn’t have much going on in my career. It was during a slow time of year for me and I was adamant that I would be able to get one episode finished per week. And for a while that worked out okay.

But things have picked up so much since the summertime that I just do not have the time to get a podcast episode out each week. Frankly, it would be a disservice to the podcast and my listeners to just slap something together each week for the sake of keeping up the weekly trend.

So I’ve decided to make the Eccentric Chai podcast a bi-weekly thing. Every other Friday a new episode will launch on Anchor, my website, and will be shared on my social media feeds. So keep your eyes peeled!

What else is new in the land of Lina?

I’ve been painting with acrylics a lot, but I just can’t get it right. You know that feeling when you feel like you’re just on the cusp of something? Some sort of breakthrough? That’s me right now.

I’ve also been doing my best to keep up with my version of Inktober, which I named Psychoprompts. I’m at day 18 (woot) and still making it somehow.

Intuitober is still going on as well! Read this post to learn more.

As for the blog, I will do my very best to keep it up weekly, but with the holidays just around the corner I can’t make any promises. So, if you don’t hear from me, know that it means good things. It means that my business is so much busy-ness that I can’t find the time to sit down and write to you.

Until next time, may your own creative endeavors be busy and fruitful.

Join Me for Intuitober for a Chance to Win

Intuitober is a small prompt list I put together for the month of October in the hopes of getting more people scribbling from the subconscious. The list is only six prompts long, and the idea is that each prompt will spark something in you that is more intuitive than literal. For instance, you can’t exactly draw a “crackle.”

Participate in the Giveaway!

In order to be entered into the drawing you will need to complete all six of the prompts. You don’t have to do them in order. You don’t have to do them all at once. Pick and choose based on your mood. Go with your flow. That’s the first step of intuitive art.

Once you’ve drawn/scribbled something inspired by the prompt you will then need to post it on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtag #intuitober. Feel free to also tag me @linaforrester so I will definitely see it! It will also help others find me and the prompt list in case they would like to join in.

Again you can do them in any order and on any day(s), just make sure you do all six prompts before the clock strikes midnight on Halloween night (October 31st).

What will you Win?

Those who participate will be entered into a drawing and the winner will receive a “Wordless Diary” kit. In it will be one of my little hand-bound sketchbooks (made with thick paper good for any medium), a few of my go-to tools (pens, watercolor samples, etc.) and tips on how to get started with your own intuitive practice.

Intuitive Art Tips

For those of you who are brand-new to intuitive art, or aren’t even sure what it is, you can check out the following blog posts:

I also suggest you check out my podcast. Several of the episodes discuss intuitive art and how you can get started.

A few more tips:

  • You’re not here to draw a masterpiece. You’re merely here to enjoy the process. Pay attention to the way the pencil leaves a texture on the paper, how the ink bleeds, how the paint smears.
  • Use any medium. Go with what feels best.
  • Just as you would in meditation, keep mindful by paying attention to only your senses. How does the pencil sound on the paper? Have you lit a candle? How does it smell? Watch the watercolor spread into another color. Feel the pen between your fingers and the touch of it on the paper. Did you just get a drink of coffee? Savor it. How does it taste?

If you have any further questions or would like to join a community of scribblers, you can head on over to my Discord channel, Lina’s Scribble Club. There you can ask questions, share, learn, chat with other artists. See you there!

Until next time, may your coffee be hot and your autumn smell like chimney smoke.