Join Me Next Month for Intuitober

Inktober has always been a fun time for us artists. I’ve loved picking and choosing my own prompts from Jake Parker’s list and combining them with prompts from other artist lists. But there isn’t one designed for intuitive art–at least not one that I’ve seen. So last year I started Intuitober.

What is Intuitober?

Intuitober is just like Inktober, only instead of prompts to inspire illustrations, these prompts are designed to be more sensory, emotion-based, and/or vague enough to have multiple interpretations. This makes it easier to work intuitively/subconsciously. Last year the prompt list for Intuitober was short, with only six scribble-evoking words to use throughout the month. But this year I’ve made prompts for the entire month of October. Not only that, but I’ve gone beyond the sensory-provoking words and have also added songs and poems to inspire your daily scribble.

And, of course, because it is the spooky season, each prompt has a element of eerie.

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